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Beige Suit
Black suit with red lining
Checked sport jacket with leather elbow patch
navy suit peak lapel
Cashmere Overcoat
Irish Linen Jacket
navy blue pinstripe suit with white shirt
maroon button holes
Light blue checked cotton shirt
Egyptian cotton white shirt
Sea Island cotton shirt
Lilac cotton shirt
navy trousers with side adjustable tab
double French cuff shirt
light cream suit
light grey Irish Linen suit
light blue shirt
cow shirt
charcoal grey pinstripe suit
custom wedding 3pc.suit
linen jacket
Men overcoat
beige suit
gold Nerhu jacket
grey suit with bamberg lining
blue suit
dark denim jacket
custom red suit
white shirt with double cuff
custom blue shirt
bespoke blue shirt
light pink men shirt


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Appointment only, please booked  or call 3 hours in advance, 12 pm till 8 pm

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 ติดต่อ คุณแซม     0943519955  Sam


©1977-2023 by Sam Cerruti Custom Tailors

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